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Covid-19 Prevention Policy

Our world is currently enduring one of the largest challenges of our lifetime. The coronavirus, Covid-19, has drastically changed our world as we know it. But despite the challenges and restrictions that Covid-19 has brought,we are proud to announce that we are still able to operate our small business. This means that we are still able to support our customers, our warehouses, our families and our neighbours and the overall economy in our beautiful country. That being said, we are still committed to providing a safe and unique shopping experience to all of our customers who will be ordering from us during this pandemic.


While still being open, we have taken every precaution we can right from the onset of the pandemic. What that looks like is that any of our staff who can work from home are, and for those that cannot, mainly those in our warehouses manufacturing the products, we are taking the highest level of precautions to ensure their health and safety. From daily temperature checks, gloves and masks being worn at all times to the continuous sanitization of work areas. We are trying to do our small part to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 while still keeping the economy going.


We have noticed some delays minor delays in shipping times over the last couple of weeks, but if any item is not going to ship out on time we make sure to let our customers know as soon as possible.


During this difficult time our customers can still enjoy some great discounts on some of our top brands, including special promotional discounts that we are running, Free Shipping and No Sales Tax.


From all of us here at Royal Truck Accessories we hope that you are staying home, staying safe and staying healthy through this pandemic. We are all in this together and together is how we will pull through this.